Credit History : Find out your credit score, check if you have bad credit
Check your credit rating if you think it might be incorrect
When applying for a personal loan, the loan company is likely to check your
credit history.
If you have bad credit history your personal loan is likely to be more
expensive, than if you have a good credit history. It is also possible
that the loan company will not give you a loan at all. This is because a customer
with a bad credit history would be seen as a higher risk.
But what if you have got a good credit history, but get turned down for personal
loans and credit? It could be that credit history which is held, is incorrect.
If you think your credit history is incorrect you can contact are one of the largest companies holding details about your credit history,
and they are the company many personal loan company's use when checking your credit
will charge a small fee for the search. But this is money well
spent if you can correct your credit history.